Effective leaders consistently lead by example. Moreover, they are very conscious that their actions are under great scrutiny by their followers to verify if their actions line up with their words. Being consistent builds trust and reliability. Would you follow someone one Tuesday if Monday they told you to go West when the accurate direction was in fact East, but for some reason they went North? I for one would think twice about it! In addition, effective leaders also communicate through their physical presence. A leader should not feel distant or out of touch. A follower should feel as if they have access to their leader whether it is for informative purposes or just to be encouraged.
In conclusion, without effective leadership, organizations could become slow, stagnate, and lack focus and direction. Organization leaders influence employee behavior, company culture, and can help overcome resistance. Effective leadership is an essential component for assisting an organization in achieving success. It is imperative that an organization leader has a clear vision. Effective leaders help develop effective employees. Most importantly, through a clear vision leaders are able to convert possibility into reality.
Remember, if you focus on the “What”, the “How” will fall into place.